Thursday, April 26, 2018

Sat. 4/28-Fri. 5/4


Saturday: (Girls' recital 2:00-3:30ish)
Mom bringing supper to Billye's

Sunday: (Cub Scouts 6:00-7:00)
ham steak; bacon wrapped asparagus, dilly sour cream cucumber salad

Monday: (C music 7:00-7:30; D track meet home late)
one pan sausage and tortellini, veggies, salad (?)

Tuesday: (Girls doctor 3:00; Z dance 4:45-5:30)
leftovers or sandwiches

Wednesday: (J music 4:30-5:00; C NO DANCE)
one pan cheesy chicken and rice (chicken in freezer, broccoli)

Thursday: (D track until late; Z kindergarten orientation; C orthopedics 3:00)

Possibly camping (or at least setting up camp); take out for supper or hot dogs or ??

Camping meals:
Friday: hot dogs and buns, chips, fruit, marshmallows/s'mores
Saturday breakfast: egg muffins on the grill (eggs, cheese, ham or bacon, chopped spinach, milk, seasoned salt, disposable muffin tins)--make mix ahead and put in ziploc bag
Saturday lunch: sandwiches, chips, fruit
Saturday supper: hamburgers and buns, chips, fruit, marshmallows/s'mores
Camping snacks: bananas, grapes, cheez-its, cookies, strawberries, marshmallows, graham crackers

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Sat. 4/21-Fri. 4/27

cook wild rice
cook Italian sausage
make broccoli soup (double recipe)

Guys at Centennial until late
Eat out with girls

Sunday: (Cub Scouts 6:00)
huli huli chicken (crock pot); asparagus, fresh pineapple

Monday: (C music 7:00-7:30; D WWIIHC in Wichita)
Out to eat for Billye's birthday ???

Tuesday: (Z dance 4:45-5:30; D middle school track meet)
chicken and wild rice soup (sub heavy cream for cream of mushroom soup, add seasoning as needed), grilled cheese, fruit 

Wednesday: (J music 4:30-5:00; C dance 6:45-7:30)
one pan sausage and tortellini, veggies, salad (?)

Thursday: (C & Z recital rehearsal 5:00-7:30)
broccoli soup (double; make ahead and reheat), DIY sandwiches, chips, cottage cheese, fresh fruit and veggies (pack snacks for girls)

Friday: (C&Z recital rehearsal 5:00-7:30; D track meet until late)
pizza; pack snacks for girls

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Sat. 4/14-Fri. 4/20

cook chicken; make chicken broth
make huli huli sauce ahead of time (double or even triple recipe)
get pork loin/roast out of freezer
cook wild rice

Eat out for Zoey's birthday

Sunday: (Zoey's 5th birthday; Cub Scouts 6:00-7:00)
Celebrate with Billye in afternoon
pigs in a blanket, mac and cheese, veggies

Monday: (C music 7:00-7:30)
skillet chicken with creamy spring vegetables

Tuesday: (D track meet but home by 5:00)
Zoey's Arrival Day
Big kids' program; be there at 6:30
Mom and Dad here
huli huli pulled pork  (Mom bringing sides)

Wednesday: (C&J band jam 5:00-5:30; C dance 6:45-7:30)
chicken and wild rice soup (sub heavy cream for cream of mushroom soup, add seasoning as needed), grilled cheese, fruit  CHECK FREEZER FOR SOUP; PRECOOK RICE AND CHICKEN

lasagna, salad, garlic snap peas, sourdough or Italian bread, birthday cake

Friday: (D track meet Clearwater)
leftovers or ??

Guys leave at 6:00 AM Sat. for Hutchinson/Centennial

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Sat. 4/7-Fri. 4/13

cheesy beef goulash, green beans (make ahead)

Sunday: (Girls dance pix; Cub Scouts 5:00-6:00)
taco soup, tortilla chips, avocado/guacamole

Monday: (C music 7:00-7:30)
creamy pasta with salmon and asparagus
cheesy beef goulash, green beans (make ahead)

Tuesday: (Z dance 4:45-5:30)
pizza sloppy joes, chips(?), applesauce, veggies

Wednesday: (J music 5:00-5:30; C dance 6:45-7:30)
cheesy chicken florentine (make ahead)

leftovers or ???

Friday: (D track meet Augusta until late)
COE dance
Chloe go to sleep over

Zoey's birthday weekend coming up!